About the Training
Digital campaigning utilizes technology to create change through emails and petitions on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and other apps. It involves the execution of a strategy across all the digital channels where the audience engages with a campaign (environmental issues i.e. waste-to-energy (WTE) incineration, single-use plastic (SUP), policy advocacy, elections).
The Digital Campaign training help participants improve their understanding of online tools and tactics used in digital campaigns. The training also equips them with various approaches on how to take action on the insights gathered from digital platforms such as websites, online video/audio streams, email, online social platforms, online communities, online forums, blogs, webinars, online advertisements, online education and much more.
- Become a more effective, strategic campaigner, organizer, and/or communicator through digital campaigns
- Build more power in the plastic solutions campaign
- Deepen participants’ skill base quickly, from beginner to intermediate
- Join a community of peers advocating for real and sustainable solutions
- Stay on the cutting edge of digital campaigning practices and developments
- Join a growing group of digital campaigners on plastics and environmental issues
Day 1
- Introduction to PFP Campaigns: On incineration (Atty Gob)
- Dr. Jorge Emmanuel to give local context of the incineration issue in Dumaguete
- Review of previous sessions (Sonia)
- Social Media 101 (EWC-Ryan) – tiktok, Twitter party, IG reels
- Online Campaigning (GP-Jeff) – online petition, influencers, podcast, digital activism
- Visual Communication (GP-JM) – infographics and others
- Messaging and Call-to-Action (GAIA AP-Dan) – messaging per audience
- Citizen Journalism: Digital/Mobile Photography (Geri)
- Power of Stories (Coleen)
Day 2
- Group site visit (dumpsite, market, boulevard) and photowalk
- Group 1: Dumpsite and Market
- Infographics and others
- TikTok
- Group 2: Dumpsite and Boulevard
- Twitterstorm
- FB stories
- Preparation of output
- Presentation of output and Critiquing
- Closing: Continuing the work (Archie): FB messenger group